Even more reason to make that LinkedIn connection

I’m still on an HR Tech deep dive. This time I found a remarkable platform that takes a proactive approach to employee referrals. Teamable helps employees make referrals and reach out to their contacts for opportunities. They do it by mining current employees’ social contacts and building profiles of potential candidates.

Here’s how it works:

This is even more motivation to connect with people: build relationships and get discovered.

I’m still conflicted about all the HR Tech that creeps on you. There’s a great deal of social scraping going on across HR Tech. But at least this platforms helps existing employees improve their referrals (and get money) and helps people who are actively building relationships get seen and hopefully hired.

Here’s a little more on what Teamable is up to and what they’ll do with their $5 mil round of funding that they don’t need.

BONUS: The founder’s badass bio mentioned rugby and travel, which is basically the greatest:

Rugby and travel also taught me everything I need to know about business.

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